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What if you had an infinite amount of creative ideas? (My thoughts on Think and Grow Rich Chapter 6 - Imagination)

June 25, 2022

If you haven’t yet, check out my review of “Think and Grow Rich” Chapter 6 (link here). Napoleon Hill talks about “Imagination” and how it is necessary to be able to Think and Grow Rich.

Napoleon Hill talks about “synthetic” vs “creative” imagination. I talk about the 4 C model of creativity in my free episodes on Think and Grow Rich. I go further to explain how our imagination is actually about building on experiences and history in my paid implementation program of Think and Grow Rich. Check them out when you have time.

People are on a spectrum of creativity and imagination. Some people are just more creative and imaginative than others. However, converting this creativity and imagination into something that changes the world takes a different sort of skill and talent. Furthermore, having creativity and imagination alone does not guarantee success. You need to be more creative and imaginative than your competition on a continued basis. In other words, you need to have an infinite source of creativity and imagination to maintain an edge.

What I described above is the tech industry. Technology is great and wonderful. However last year’s technology is not so great and not so wonderful. This year’s technology will be not so great and not so wonderful next year. A technology company that wants to stay at the cutting edge needs to ensure a constant supply of new ideas, creativity and imagination. How do they do it? Check out Apple, Samsung, Google, and other technology company’s methods of managing their engineers and computer scientists. It's a constant competition for new talent.

This implies that imagination and creativity are a scarce commodity, even though it’s just “Thinking” and consequently “Growing Rich”. What makes it scarce?

What if you saw Imagination as a luxury? Is it something you would purchase like you would purchase a new phone, or a new car, or a new home? Or is it something that you don’t think about that often? Do you take the time to cultivate your imagination? Do you invest in your imagination? If not, what do you do if you want to “Think and Grow Rich?”

What if there’s a source of imagination that is infinite? How much would you pay? What would you do with it? Those that are familiar with my content know what I’m alluding to.

What is the relationship between Imagination as a Luxury and God?

These are the dots that High Performers who want to maintain a close connection to a Higher Power need to connect. It’s something worth thinking about.

Dr. Eric

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