Unlock your best self with Psychiatry & Religion.

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how powerful is

psychiatry and Religion?

Psychiatry offers a wealth of resources to help understand yourself. Religion has a wealth of resources on tapping into something greater than ourselves.

The two disciplines have been at war with each other for too long, yet they both claim to offer value to the individual. Check out my materials to learn how Psychiatry and Religion can help improve your performance in life.

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Rethinking our approach to life’s critical questions

who is behind

chez eric PRL?

Hello! I am Dr. Eric, a Psychiatrist who specializes in helping High Performers maintain a close connection with a Higher Power.

For 18 years, I have studied in many diversified fields from business to law to medicine, ultimately specializing in Psychiatry. I founded Chez Eric PRL as a platform to show the world how powerful Psychiatry and Religion can be to achieving a fulfilling life.
meet dr. eric

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