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How far will your gut feeling take you? (My Thoughts On Think And Grow Rich Chapter 14 - Sixth Sense)

August 20, 2022

If you haven’t yet, check out my review of “Think and Grow Rich” Chapter 14 (link here). It’s about “the Sixth Sense”. I talk about intuition in the Paid Program. Today, I want to talk about uncertainty.

Most people dislike uncertainty. There’s risk involved in uncertainty. Risk comes with threat to life and limb. Uncertainty, if tolerated, must be minimized. At least, that’s conventional wisdom.

However, people who “Think and Grow Rich” actually find a way to flourish within uncertainty. All things that are certain have a definite outcome. Thus, it is clear what you pay and what you will get. The detail is fair.

Success is not built upon a series of fair deals. Rather, success is built upon a series of unfair deals in your favor. You are unable to get those deals if everything is certain. When things are uncertain, there needs to be a compelling reason why you chose one side versus the other, especially if you wish to be ahead consistently in the long-run.

There are many ways people master uncertainty. Some use the “sixth sense” (also possibly known as intuition). It’s that feeling in your gut where you make a decision and go for it. Did it do well? Only time will tell. Others do more research to reduce the uncertainty. This is effective to an extent. Some can criticize this method of being too slow. But that’s for you to decide.

Your comfort level with uncertainty will dictate your potential for success. But what does it mean to be certain in the context of faith in God?

Does God eliminate our uncertainty so that we can become more successful? To what end? Does faith in God help us eliminate uncertainty so that we can become victorious? Is God meant to be a diviner of the future? How is this different from astrology?

If the role of God is to be the bringer of your success, then God is a wish-maker God. I have issues with that version with God. I’ve found, in the long run, God does not make all our dreams come true. That is not His role in our lives.

Rather, having a close connection with God means that you have clarity on your purpose. There are many uncertain things in your life but clarity in purpose can help you remain grounded. When you have clarity of purpose, you’re able to work with uncertainty in the deals, thus putting you on a stronger footing to face what life brings you. When you are more comfortable with uncertainty through purpose, success is much easier to achieve.

What’s your purpose? Is it connected to your faith in God?

Dr. Eric

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