Thank You for Reading

December 12, 2021

Thanksgiving passed along with Black Friday. Cyber Monday should be expected tomorrow.

I just wanted to take the time to thank you for reading my content.

“Chez Eric: Psychiatry, Religion, and Life” is a space to share my love for Religion through the lens of my expertise in Psychiatry. I had an idea of what it would look like when I first started but now, it’s completely different from what I could have ever imagined (in a good way).

There’s something beautiful that happens when Psychiatry and Religion collide. But I don’t think I’ve done it justice. These e-mails are my way of sorting out my observations and insights.

Thank you for taking the time to consume the most experimental portions of my content. Thank you also for your e-mail responses. They’ve always been very well thought out and intentional.

Happy Thanksgiving, and Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. I wish you the best this coming holiday Season. I hope to fill your e-mails with even more surprises and wonder for a very long time.

Dr. Eric

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